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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
LLB Law Of Evidence coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
LLB Law Of Evidence coursework - Essay Example Then again, the litigant can without much of a stretch case that they didn't know about what was inside the bundle, however that the bundle contained different things, something difficult for the examiner to refute. The point of this paper is to exhort Jim who is engaging against his conviction for gracefully heroin dependent on evidential issues emerging from the judge’s summarizing. Conversation Ever since the affecting of Human Rights Act 1998, criminal proof has become the most huge improvement because of different questions under Article 6 which involves the privilege to an only preliminary against the utilization of a legitimate load on the litigant to set up at least one points of interest in the issue2. The way that Jim is looking for a presentation that area 28(3) (b) (I) to be announced in opposition to Human Rights Act 1998 as it encroaches to his right side to an only preliminary under Article 6 of European Convention on Human Rights 1950, he is setting the court w ith an inquiry on whether it has the ward to think about intrigue and, in the event that it did, regardless of whether segment 28(3) (b) (I) the Act was unsuited with his entitlement to a fair trial3. ... In this way, so as to build up the resistance under area 28(3) of the Act, Jim needs to demonstrate on the harmony of probabilities that he didn't realize that the case contained heroin4. The genuine worry isn't if the respondent ought to negate proof yet that the litigant might be indicted however a sensible uncertainty stays alive. Specifically, the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 doesn't have an away from of ownership, and in segment 37(3) it expounds that a thing which an individual has in their ownership to incorporate anything subject to their control, and which is in the guardianship of someone else. Subsequently, except if the thing is in that individual control however still under consideration of someone else, it can't be classified to be in the denounced for this situation Jim possession5. This at that point prompts what the bearings the jury was given by the preliminary appointed authority, and it is obvious that however it was fundamental for the indictment to set up that Jim r ealized that the container was in his control, it was not basic for the arraignment to set up that Jim realized that the thing inside the crate was a controlled medication. Hence, at that point there would be the probability of an encroachment as far as assumption of blamelessness. This got clear in R v Edwards,6 whereby the resistance was recognized to have so firmly connected with the mens rea rule and good blame that it disparaged from presupposition to reassignment of lawful weight to the respondent. In spite of the fact that subsections (2) with (3) of Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 characterize explicitly of the respondent demonstrating something, at that point this doesn't really imply that so as to find out a resistance then the litigant should basically offer proof. Along these lines, the fundamental proof may emerge, for example, from any shifted
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Distribution Strategy free essay sample
In promoting, it is difficult to keep away from thought of advertising blend, which includes 4Ps. The 4Ps include: place, advancement, cost and item (Viardot, 2004). This uncovered one of vital commitments of any promoting chief. That is, an advertising chief is liable for figuring compelling conveyance methodology (put in) so as to keep the different Ps moving (Distributionstrategy. organization. , 2013). Subsequently, examines portrayed dissemination methodology as urgent essential for achievement of any business (Chapter 15: Product Distribution, n. d. ). It is an arrangement of activities utilized to move administration/item from the producer to the end shoppers through various methodologies, for example, physical appropriation and dispersion channels. For the most part, it attempts to portray where and how clients buy firm’s administration/items. Appropriation methodology centers around different elements, which include: area of the firm and target advertise, approaches of arriving at the objective market, warehousing, just as transportation. In this paper, appropriation procedure basically examined other than assessing how it utilized in shopper advertise. Channel middle people are firms or people, for example, wholesalers, specialists, intermediaries, or retailers who help move an item from the maker to the purchaser or business client. A company’s channel choices legitimately influence each other advertising choice. Spot choices, for instance, influence evaluating. Advertisers that circulate items through mass merchandisers, for example, Wal-Mart will have distinctive evaluating targets and techniques than will those that offer to strength stores. Circulation choices can some of the time give an item a particular situation in the market.The selection of retailers and different middle people is firmly attached to the item itself. Makers select mass merchandisers to sell center cost went items while they convey best in class items through very good quality division and claim to fame stores. The firm’s deals power and interchanges choices rely upon how much influence, preparing, inspiration, and bolster its channel accomplices need. Regardless of whether an organization creates or secures certain new items may rely upon how well those items fit the capacities of its channel individuals. A few organizations give too little consideration to their appropriation channels.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Bradley, Bill
Bradley, Bill Bradley, Bill (William Warren Bradley), 1943â€", American athlete and politician, b. Crystal City, Mo. He first gained wide attention as an All-America basketball player at Princeton. Graduating in 1965, he attended Oxford as a Rhodes scholar and in 1967â€"77 starred for the New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association. In 1979 he became a U.S. senator from New Jersey. Before retiring from the Senate in 1997, he gained a reputation as a reform-minded Democrat, influential especially on environmental, labor, and income-tax issues. Often mentioned as a possible presidential candidate, Bradley became (1999) a candidate for the 2000 Democratic presidential nomination, but he was defeated in the primaries by Al Gore . Bradley wrote about his visions for America's future in The Journey from Here (2000) and The New American Story (2007). See his account of his Knicks years, Life on the Run (1976), and his memoir, Time Present, Time Past (1996). The Columbia Electro nic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Public View On Homosexuality - 937 Words
Homosexuality has been in the media as being something negative because it strays from the norm and makes people feel uneasy, but the media is forever changing. The public view on homosexuality is changing for the better due to the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the legalization of same-same marriage. As a result from this, adolescents feel like there is now an environment that is ready and willing to accept the LGBT community as a whole and help individuals nourish the idea of self-acceptance. More and more individuals are starting to identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender to their peers, parents or both. For these specific few, disclosing their sexual orientation, or coming out, is a significant experience and for someone like myself who is going through such an experience like this I was ultimately brought to this specific topic. Through research, sociologists have discovered that different themes could be established from this process such as alienation, u neasiness, fear, self-acceptance, and security within your sexuality. It has been concluded that through this coming out experience, the feeling of liberation is realized. Literature Review Sexual orientation is an umbrella term to describe the emotional, romantic or sexual attraction between one individual to another and can be directed towards those of the opposite gender or those of the same gender. As we dive more into the term it becomes more broad and complicated because not only does it includeShow MoreRelatedMedia Analysis of a Current Controversial Issue875 Words  | 4 Pages Homosexuality is the current controversial issue that has hit the media. One cannot avoid the topic of homosexuality in the news, movies, books, social media, newspapers, and even in politics. Homosexuality has become a controversial issue around the globe today. After Uganda outlawed homosexuality in its country, the topic has been trending everywhere in the mainstream media, and the social media. Some nations like the US have legalized homosexuality and this is why there has been uproar afterRead MoreHow the Media has Influenced Peoples Thoughts on homosexuality1410 Words  | 6 Pagesin this day and age you cannot avoid the topic of homosexuality. It is being discussed in the news, books, television shows, movies, and as we have most recently now in politics. Since they are labeled to be a minority group, the LGBT community is viewed very differently by society. Although there are many people who think there is nothing wrong with being gay, there are many who still believe i t is immoral and abnormal. With all the diverse views floating around about homosexuals different portrayalsRead MoreHomosexuality and Religion948 Words  | 4 Pagesis a major factor in these attitudes. A 55% majority believes it is a sin to engage in homosexual behavior, and that view is much more prevalent among those who have a high level of religious commitment (76%). About half of all Americans have an unfavorable opinion of gay men (50%) and lesbians (48%), but highly religious people are much more likely to hold negative views. Religiosity is clearly a factor in the recent rise in opposition to gay marriage. Overall, nearly six-in-ten AmericansRead Morehomosexuality1598 Words  | 7 Pages Abstract Homosexuals are individuals that are attracted to the same sex, and its being accepted by many nations worldwide, and people are accepting and adapting the idea of it no matter the consequence even its on one’s self expense. Homosexuality in Today’s Society Everywhere around the world an individual meets different kind of people, no matter the age the race the ethnicity. And the beliefs people may have are not similar to one another, like the idea of homosexuals. HomosexualRead MoreIs Homosexuality And The Three Religions Are Hinduism, Judaism, And Christianity759 Words  | 4 Pagesissue that I chose was homosexuality and the three religions are Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity. I chose to write about homosexuality due to the fact that it is one of the most common problems out there in the world. Homosexuality started back in the late nineteenth century in Europe. Also there is four different types of homosexual relationship in all major culture areas (Greenberg1988:25-26). The four types are transgenerational homosexuality, transgenderal homosexuality, egalitarian homosexualRead MoreHow Does The Views Of Lgbtiq Change Over Time Across The Globe?1229 Words  | 5 PagesGP Essay New Changing Communities How does the views of LGBTIQ change over time across the globe? The everlasting discussions and debates about the LGBTIQ group has gotten more popular as awareness is given to the variations of sexual orientation and gender identity. According to The Free Dictionary, LGBTIQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer/ Questioning, which represents the group of people with sexual orientations or gender identities different from the heterosexualRead MoreEssay about Homosexuality661 Words  | 3 PagesHomosexuality Homosexuality is said to be a preference for affiliation and sexual activity with a person of the same sex. The potential for homosexual behavior appears to be a basic part of human sexuality, since many people experience homosexual interest, curiosity, or activity at some point in their lives. Homosexual behavior has also been observed in most animal species. Many homosexuals prefer to be called gay or, in the case of women, lesbian because of the exclusively sexual connotationRead MoreHomosexuality Is Not The Greatest Sin949 Words  | 4 PagesHomosexuality has been a very controversial topic socially and religiously. Many men and women who are homosexual, fear the consequences of being different from these two types of categories. Along with homosexuality comes stereotypes that belittle the gay community and individuals. Sexual prejudice also takes the spotlight in media that contradict gays and lesbians. Overall, homosexuality is a sensitive topic of self-opinion. The origin of being against homosexuality in my opinion started withRead MoreThe Banning Of Movies On Lgbt, Religion, Laws, And History1532 Words  | 7 Pagesespecially Middle Eastern countries, have even gone to the lengths of labelling homosexuality as illegal by law. This not only affects the thinking of citizens of those countries, but also oppress people that identify as LGBTQ in those respective countries. The question as to why prejudice happens in the world has been a question that lingered for the longest time. Several factors contribute to the attitudes and views of various cultures towards LGBT, namely religion, laws, and history. ReligionRead MoreSexuality Is The Influence Of Religion1227 Words  | 5 Pagesprevailing point-a-view is the idea that Christianity has strict views on the LGBT community and all Christians see their actions as sinful. I am looking to pursue this religious idea and to see if the data supports this connotation. As a Catholic, I have my own opinion and expectations of the information that may lead to some bias in my view of data. For instance, I have positive views on the LGBT community and I know that there are many Catholics that follow my same point-of-view. With this in mind
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Tourism Development in China
Tourism is a burgeoning industry in China. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), 57.6 million foreign visitors entered the country in 2011, generating over $40 billion dollars in revenue. China is now the third most visited country in the world, behind only France and the United States. However, unlike many other developed economies, tourism is still considered a relatively new phenomenon in China. As the country industrializes, tourism will become one of its primary and fastest growing economic sectors. Based on current UNWTO forecasts, China is expected to become the worlds most visited country by 2020. History of Tourism Development in China Shortly after the Chairmans death, Chinas most famous economic reformist, Deng Xiaoping, opened up the Middle Kingdom to outsiders. Contrary to Maoist ideology, Deng saw the monetary potential in tourism and began to promote it intensely. China quickly developed its own travel industry. Major hospitality and transportation facilities were constructed or renovated. New jobs such as service personnel and professional guides were created, and a National Tourism Association was established. Foreign visitors quickly flocked to this once forbidden destination. In 1978, an estimated 1.8 million tourists entered the country, with the majority coming from neighboring British Hong Kong, Portuguese Macau, and Taiwan. By 2000, China welcomed over 10 million new overseas visitors, excluding the aforementioned three locations. Tourists from Japan, South Korea, Russia, and the United States comprised the largest share of that inbound population. During the 1990s, the Chinese central government also issued several policies to encourage the Chinese to travel domestically, as a means of stimulating consumption. In 1999, over 700 million trips were made by domestic tourists. Outbound tourism by Chinese citizens recently become popular, as well. This is due to a rise in the Chinese middle-class. The pressure presented by this new class of citizens with disposable income has caused the government to ease international travel restrictions greatly. By the end of 1999, fourteen countries, mainly in Southeast and East Asia, were made designated overseas destinations for Chinese residents. Today, over a hundred countries have made it onto Chinas approved destination list, including the United States and many European countries. Since the reform, Chinas tourism industry has registered consistent growth year-after-year. The only period in which the country experienced a decline in inbound numbers are the months following the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. The brutal military crackdown of peaceful pro-democracy protestors painted a poor image of the Peoples Republic to the international community. Many travelers ended up avoiding China based on fear and personal morals. Tourism Development in Modern China When China joined the WTO in 2001, travel restrictions in the country were relaxed further. The WTO reduced formalities and barriers for cross-border travelers, and global competition helped cut costs. These changes additionally enhanced Chinas position as a country for financial investment and international business. The rapidly developing business environment has helped the tourism industry prosper. Many businessmen and entrepreneurs often visit popular sites while on their business trips. Some economists also believe the Olympic Games fostered an increase in tourism numbers due to worldwide exposure. The Beijing Games not only put The Birds Nest and Water Cube on center stage but some of Beijings most incredible wonders were displayed as well. Moreover, the opening and closing ceremonies showcased to the world Chinas rich culture and history. Shortly after the conclusion of the games, Beijing held a Tourism Industry Development Conference to present new plans to boost profits by riding the games momentum. At the conference, a multi-year plan was set in place to increase the number of inbound tourists by seven percent. To realize this goal, the government plan on taking a series of measures, including stepping up tourism promotion, develop more leisure facilities, and reduce air pollution. A total of 83 leisure tourism projects were presented to potential investors. These projects and goals, along with the countrys continued modernization will undoubtedly set the touri sm industry on a path of continuous growth into the foreseeable future. Tourism in China has received a major expansion since the days under Chairman Mao. It is no longer uncommon to see the country on the cover of a Lonely Planet or Frommers. Travel memoirs about the Middle Kingdom are on bookstore shelves everywhere, and travelers from all over are now able to share a personal photo of their Asian adventures with the world. It is not surprising that the tourism industry would thrive so well in China. The country is filled with endless wonders. From the Great Wall to the Terracotta Army, and from sprawling mountain valleys to neon metropolises, there is something here for everyone. Forty years ago, no one could have ever predicted how much wealth this country was capable of generating. Chairman Mao certainly didnt see it. And he definitely did not foresee the irony that preceded his death. It is amusing how the man who detested tourism would one day become a tourist attraction, as a preserved body on display for capitalistic gains. References Wen, Julie. Tourism and Chinas Development: Policies, Regional Economic Growth and Ecotourism. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Co. 2001.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bibliography Free Essays
Name Professor ENC 1101 27 November 2012 Annotated Bibliography My working thesis statement is: Social networking sites can lead to lack of offline social skills. Bilton, N. I live in the future here’s how it works, why your world, work, and brain are being creatively disrupted. We will write a custom essay sample on Bibliography or any similar topic only for you Order Now New York: Crown Business, 2011. Print. Nick Bilton is a writer and reporter for the New York Times Bit blog. He focuses on many topics, but the research department he leads focuses on technology and how it will change the future. I Live in the Future ; Here’s How it Works discusses this technological age and how the ever changing media is affecting human behavior. Bilton focuses on addressing this â€Å"technopocalypse†and reassures his reader that â€Å"the more things change the more they stay the same†giving an appeal to the older generations and making the younger generation feel less stupid. Throughout his book he touches on plenty of subjects but the one I focused on was his views and details about social networking sites and how they are becoming a source for â€Å"information overload†and communities that allows people with similar interest to â€Å"hang-out†. Bilton however, focuses on the positives of â€Å"information overload†and these virtual communities but does provide facts about how they can lead to a decrease in offline efforts to interact or attempts to create relationships with local human beings. I did agree with his positive points and can compare them to Professor Turkle’s negative views in my source Alone Together. Turkle, Sherry. Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. 1. New York: Basic Books, 2011. Print. Professor Sherry Turkle teaches Social Studies of Science at MIT and is a licensed clinical psychologist. In Alone Together she compares the Internet to a ball and chain that keeps us tethered to the screens of our computers and cellphones. She summarizes her view in the statement â€Å"We expect more from technology and less from each other†. The first half of her book focuses on social robots and our relationships with these machines created to sweep our floors and provide us and our older family members a sense of companionship, one example she uses is a sex robot, that have now become a substitute for the difficulty of having to deal with other people. The next half of her book expresses her concern with online interaction and how it allows us to interact with one another despite being present in each other’s lives. Technological interaction such as email or text messaging also provides a great excuse for us to not have to speak in real time. It’s easy to say â€Å"I’ll get back to you later†instead of dealing with these social situations. This book is the perfect source for my thesis as it really cracks down on why technology affects our way of social interactions in a negative point of view. This relates to my previous source, I live in the Future and this is how it works, by providing a different viewpoint about technology and how it can affect our lives in a darker light. Robert McMorris, et al. â€Å"An Examination Of The Reciprocal Relationship Of Loneliness And Facebook Use Among First-Year College Students. † Journal Of Educational Computing Research 46. 1 (2012): 105-117. Education Research Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. Professor Robert McMorris works for the University at Albany, State University of New York. He specializes in the field of measurement and evaluation. He is a member of the Division of Educational Psychology and Methodology. In his examination he details his findings about the relationship between first-year college students and their use of social networking sites. He focused on two questions. Is there an impact of loneliness on Facebook intensity and motive for using Facebook among first-year college students and is there an impact on Facebook intensity and motive for using Facebook on loneliness. He collected his data from 340 first-year college students. He found no reciprocal relationship in his results. The results of the â€Å"Qualities of Peer Relations On Social Networking Websites†focuses more on the relationships of social network users as opposed to this study that focuses on college students who wish to cure their loneliness. This study, â€Å"An Examination†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , however provides some information about other studies that argue about reduced interactions and neglect with family relationships and friendships due to Internet use. Szwedo, David E. , Amori Yee Mikami, and Joseph P. Allen. â€Å"Qualities Of Peer Relations On Social Networking Websites: Predictions From Negative Mother-Teen Interactions. † Journal Of Research On Adolescence (Blackwell Publishing Limited) 21. 3 (2011): 595-607. Education Research Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. David E. Szwedo, Amori Yee Mikami, and Josepth P. Allen are all professors at the University of Virginia. Professor Allen studied clinical, community and developmental psychology. Szwedo has an M. A. n psychology, Mikami has a PhD and both of them studied with Professor Allen as their instructor. Their study examined teenagers, when they were thirteen, social relationships with their mothers and later, when they were twenty, their quality of social relationships with their peers online. What they concluded from their results was that poor quality relationships with their mothers at the younger age caused youths to prefer online communication and have poor relatio nship qualities with their online peers. They discuss their results and discuss the importance of family interactions at a young age and how it affects their future interactions with peers. This relates to â€Å"An Examination†¦Ã¢â‚¬ by researching a different aspect of social networking and in fact finding an adverse effect on social interactions of those users. Professor Turkle from Alone Together would probably be pleased with the findings of this research as it helps support her view that technology has put a dent in the quality of our conversations and relationships. Amanda L. Hare, et al. Adolescent Peer Relationships And Behavior Problems Predict Young Adults’ Communication On Social Networking Websites. † Developmental Psychology 46. 1 (2010): 46-56. Education Research Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. Amanda L. Hare has a PhD. in Developmental and Community psychology. She works with Mikami, Allen, and Szwedo who provided another one of my sources. Her study examined communication on social ne tworks and measured participants behavior and socialness when they were first thirteen or fourteen and then again at ages twenty through twenty-two. The results of the study revealed that adults who as teens were more negative in their offline interactions were less likely to have a social network account as an adult as compared to teenagers who were more positive in their offline interactions would have most likely kept their social network account as adults. The findings in this study can be compared to the results from â€Å"Qualities†¦Ã¢â‚¬ because they both find that offline interactions affect online interactions. If you are a negative person offline you probably are a negative person online and would probably avoid social networking in the first place because you are so down in the dumps. If you are a positive person you want to share the happiness of your life as much as you can and social networking helps make it something you don’t necessarily have to leave your house to do. This can also be compared to â€Å"An Examination†¦Ã¢â‚¬ as both studies found no evidence that social networking will make a lonely person happier. I’ll probably change my thesis to social networking sites do not lead to lack of offline social skills after thoroughly reading through my chosen sources. How to cite Bibliography, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Evaluation of Live Theatre Nation Essay Example For Students
Evaluation of Live Theatre: Nation Essay Nation is a play of two teenagers, Mau and Daphne (nee Miss Ermintrude Fanshaw), thrown together when Daphnes boat travelling from England is shipwrecked on Maus island. Mau is the last remaining member of his tribe, and Nation is the story of Mau and Daphnes struggle to build a new nation of their own, overcoming language barriers, vast differences in belief and culture, the struggle to keep their new Nation safe, and a battle to defeat Locaha, and evil spirit trying to kill Mau, with a candid parrot, Milton, alongside. There are many prominent themes throughout the play, such as the constantly debated relationship between religion and science, the contrast between facts that are rarely doubted and strong belief in something there is little proof of. The play has a strong sense of faith, in the grandfathers, imo and the god anchors, and also of love, uniting the nation, and found in unexpected places, between Daphne and Mau for example. Nation also illustrates an alterantive view on the cycle of life and death. The play defines simultaneously the obvious differences between the Nation, and the Western world, and also the subtle underlying similarities linking the two. After certain revelations discovered by Daphne and then Mau in the Grandfather Cave, the characters in the play, and the audience watching, are made to question our own history of the western world, and the history of islands such as Maus in the South Pacific. We are made to reassess what we believe was the beginning of human civilisation, and which cultures we class as being scientifically knowledgeable, and truly civilised. This thought-provoking play opens the audiences minds to other possibilities. It is obvious throughout the play that the elements of theatre were carefully thought out and delivered by the national theatre company, the musicians and the director, Mark Ravenhill. In the centre of the stage there is a slighting raises revolving circle, decorated to look the earth (you have turned the world upside down). The globe allows a smooth transition from one scene to the next, such as when the previous scene is of Mau on his island with the ancestors, and then the globe revolves slowly around to reveal a scene of Daphne, Milton, and the shipwreck of The Sweet Judy on the opposite side. The fact that the world is uspide down, or the opposite to how we are used to seeing it, suggests to audience that the people of Maus have a very different perspective on the ways of the world to the people of the western world. The three large screens at the back of the stage give varied and vibrant aesthetics to the set. At certain stages in the play, the screens we blank and dark, directing the audiences attention to the actors at the front of the stage.
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